Search for Meaning with Rabbi Yoshi

Search for Meaning with Yitzhak Sokoloff

Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback Season 5 Episode 74

When this is over there will be an encyclopedia of heroism because there were thousands of heroic moments..."
In his latest "Search for Meaning" podcast episode, Rabbi Yoshi speaks with Yitzhak Sokoloff, an Israeli political analyst and founder of educational travel company, Keshet. Sokoloff, a resident of Efrat in the Etzion bloc and of Yerucham, re-enlisted in the IDF at age 69 immediately after the October 7 massacre. Yitzhak speaks about the twin goals of destroying Hamas and saving the hostages — and the potential consequences if Israel can't achieve both. 

Rabbi Yoshi recorded this episode on his most recent trip to Israel, which happened to fall during the short-lived cease-fire. His only chance to speak at length with Yitzhak was on their drive together from Tel Aviv to a military base near the Gaza border, where they learned how soldiers use reconnaissance drones to avoid the loss of civilian life and protect IDF soldiers.